Vaccine & drug delivery
SatioRx™ technology allows for low-cost and effective metered dose low volume drug delivery for all intradermal applications, including Yellow Fever, COVID, Measles, Influenza, and more.
Products in development, patent pending. The FDA or other notified bodies have not reviewed the products shown on this page.
Pain Points
Why are vaccination & drug compliance rates low?
- 2 in 3 children and 1 in 4 adults have strong fears around needles.
- As many as 1 in 10 people might delay vaccines due to fears.
- 600K-800K needlestick injuries of Health Care Professionals occurs annually in the US, increasing risk of bloodborne pathogen exposure.
- Needle, Syringe, & Glass Tube requires Health Care Professional.
- ~7M people 65+ are mostly homebound due to health conditions and do not seek treatment due to difficulty traveling. They would benefit from home-based self administration.
SatioRx™ allows greater access to drugs and vaccines
- Proprietary Microneedle Array allows for effective intradermal dose injection
- Retractable needles provides patient safety
- Able to deliver different amounts of payload, including low volume
- Simplifies consumer administration of drug
- App-based vaccine certification and drug administration adherence
Products in development, patent pending. The FDA or other notified bodies have not reviewed the products shown on this page.
- Better Access
- Improved Workflow
- Low Cost
- Faster Clinical Decisions
drug delivery workflow
- SatioRx™ is easy for consumers and healthcare providers to use
- It can work with industry standard drug packages and is customizable
- Injection involves only a few simple steps: load the drug container, stick it on patient’s arm, click the drug release button
Products in development, patent pending. The FDA or other notified bodies have not reviewed the products shown on this page.
retraction button

SatioRx™ partners

The Institut Pasteur is an internationally renowned center for biomedical research that stands out in many disciplines.

MedInstill / INTACT Solutions provide INTACT™ technologies to deliver innovative sterile liquid filling, multiple-dose dispensing, transfer and packaging solutions to achieve consistent sterile results.
Products in development, patent pending. The FDA or other notified bodies have not reviewed the products shown on this page.